
Thing of the Week: Sarah Silverman's Mom/Stupid T-Shirts, Seeing John Waters Tonight

LIZ'S THING OF THE WEEK: Sarah Silverman's Mom, Stupid T-Shirts

Oh my god the Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee episode with Sarah Silverman is so good. I don't really even care about Sarah Silverman, or at least I didn't until last week, but now I adore her forever. She's just so smart and thoughtful and she seems really great at life, and the part about her mom delights me, and I love love love how deeply she gives a fuck about good manners and good writing. Plus they go to Millie's, and I just went to Millie's two Saturdays ago with my sister, and I got a biscuit with my breakfast too. If you've never been to Millie's, please just fly to Silver Lake right now and get yourself a "fucking biscuit." Slather it with raspberry jam, from the cute little jam pot. Drink a thousand cups of coffee. Order the Jackie G! It's my fave. Watch the amazing episode right now:

One of my other things this week is this stupid t-shirt I got last weekend at Crossroads. It's a Worn Free shirt, a replica of an Iggy Pop-referencing tee once worn by Debbie Harry. I'm not so into Worn Free; I don't see the point of purchasing/owning a $50 t-shirt if the cotton isn't of a life-changingly perfect softness and drape, and - in my experience - Worn Free cotton's just kinda meh. But I got this one secondhand and it was eight bucks and thus totally worth it:

Eight dollars is the ideal amount to pay for a halfway decent t-shirt, in my smug/humble opinion, but yesterday I wandered into some vintage shop on La Brea and you know what they were charging for a halfway decent Mudhoney shirt? THREE HUNDRED GODDAMN DOLLARS. "Does anyone who actually loves Mudhoney have $300 to spend on a t-shirt?" I wondered. "Does anyone who actually loves Mudhoney even have $300 in general?"
       And I know that's not the point, that it's about fashion and not rock-and-roll, that love's got nothing to do with it. It's a pretty obvious thing to be grossed out by, but I was: I was so grossed out by that price tag. And after leaving the shop I went to a cafe and got an iced coffee, and they were selling bowls of kale for $18 and playing Pavement, and I was grossed out by that too, by the idea of Pavement as background music for overpriced-kale consumption.
       So I felt down about all that for like three seconds - but then I felt nice and shimmery, thinking how much better it is to love music, compared to being indifferent about music or just straight-up not loving music at all. There are people in this world who don't love music, and neither you nor I will ever be one of those people. That's pretty wonderful for us. It is so good to wildly love music forever and ever.

JEN'S THING OF THE WEEK: Seeing John Waters tonight



  1. Oh god, I think a lot about people who don't love music, or maybe even worse people who THINK they love music but they don't even know what it's like to really love music!!

    I love this post.

    Also, I dreamed I was on a boat with Liz and Laura Jane last night. Liz and I dyed our hair black and were having a contest over who could get "back to blonde" first (my hair is not even blonde).

    1. oh my god a 'back to blonde' contest sounds way fun!
